Adoration prevails through annihilation in Timothy and the Apocalypse’s ‘Love in Stereo’  — TIMOTHY AND THE APOCALYPSE

Adoration prevails through annihilation in Timothy and the Apocalypse’s ‘Love in Stereo’ 

Australian artist and producer Timothy and the Apocalypse is best known for his ability to bring downtempo dystopia off the streets and onto the airwaves. Yet, in his latest release, Love in Stereo, nihilism evolved into sonic existentialism as the instrumental narration and drifts of ambiguous ethereal vocals worked to testify to the sanctuary that only the lucky few can gain. 

The rich-and-poor divide is often seen as the greatest disparity known to humanity; Love in Stereo, which is flush with shoegazey dream pop tones, works to prove that only those that know affection will feel salvation. 

With the breakbeats packing colourful heat as they glitch and coast through the transcendentally intimate release, by-proxy devotion floods through the ever-tensile progressions under the duress of the artist that is quickly becoming one of the most promising on the downtempo scene. His prolific number of playlist placements is a testament to his ability to weave scintillatingly soul-deep catharsis. 

Review by Amelia Vandergast